
Under left is my small work exhibited at Kousoukai-ten, the calligraphy exhibition held on May 1 to 3 at Tokyo Art Club in Shinbashi. (See the blog on May2.)
Under right is an excerpt from “Flying Hyakunin Isshu,” meaning “Flying One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets,” as painted by Yukari Inada who also made the signboard for Hoyu’s Calligraphy Classroom.
The egg in the nest is of a lesser cuckoo, but the bird in the picture is not. Known as a brood parasite, the lesser cuckoo lays its eggs in the nests of other birds who then keep the eggs warm.
Even if you hear its voice, the lesser cuckoo cannot be found.
This is a collaboration of calligraphy and the picture.

みぎ佐久間甫祐書院さくまほゆうしょいん看板かんばんつくってくださった いなだゆかりさんの 『空飛そらと百人一首ひゃくにんいっしゅ』より
このとりはホトトギスではありません。なかにあるたまごがホトトギスのたまごです。 ホトトギスは托卵性たくらんせいなので、ほかとりたまごみ、そのとりたまごあたためてかえしてもらいます。こえこえても、そこにホトトギスの姿すがたはありません。


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