Visiting the Italian Embassy イタリア大使館訪問

The Tsuda College Alumae Association made an application to visit the Embassy of Italy in Tokyo, Japan. The limit on number of attendees was set at 80 people, and I was fortunate enough to be selected as one of them despite the high number of applicants.
I wrote the ambassador’s and his wife’s name in Italian and in Japanese katakana as works of calligraphy. Unfortunately the ambassador was out that day, but I was able to present my works to his wife instead. I was able to speak with her briefly, and I was very glad because she expressed her delight in receiving them.
She spoke about the state of women’s empowerment and gender equality in Italy to us.
The wage rate for women in Italy is still lower than that of men, but she said that the college graduation rate for women is higher than of men. So in the future, she predicts that conditions will improve. The situation is very similar to Japan. Men not doing housework prevents women from working in high-level positions. So I think that education not only women but for men is important.


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