A YouTube covered by EDO TOKYO TOURS 江戸とうきょうツアーのユーチューブ

I was fortunate enough to be covered by EDO TOKYO Tours as part of their video series through my posting my calligraphy classroom on TripAdvisor. They were kind enough to make a video for me, which tells more about my English calligraphy lessons that I provide for overseas visitors.
I asked overseas guests who stayed in Koganei to not only going to the Koganei Park for Edo Open Air Architectural Museum, but also to come to enjoy learning Japanese calligraphy with me because it’s on the way to the park from Musashi Koganei Station.
For any students who speak English and wish to learn Japanese calligraphy, I will hold your arms when you write, so you will be able to master basic strokes easily.
You can write your names in katakana. If you want it to write it in Kanji that has meaning, I can choose the best ones which suit your characters after consulting with you!
Why don’t you come on over?
Please share it with your friends and give a ‘like’ if you enjoyed the contents!
わたし書道教室しょどうきょうしつがトリップアドバイザーに掲載けいさいされているため、EDO TOKYO Toursに取材しゅざいされ、この動画どうが作成さくせいしていただきました。動画どうがなかには英語えいごでの書道しょどうレッスンの内容ないよう紹介しょうかいされています。

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