Kousoukai-ten, the calligraphy exhibition by Kousoukai is being held on May 1 13:00-17:00
2 10:00-17:00
3 10:00-16:00
at Tokyo Art Club in Shinbashi.
My work and my students’s works are exhibited.
I appreciate your coming.
Mr. Kenji Murakami, my English teacher , Sam, my student of calligraphy, Yoko Suzuki, my student of calligraphy and English came to the exhibition.
I came across some beautiful flowers and spent a day among the trees spotting the moon unexpectedly at the edge of the mountains.
By Masatsune Fujiwara
From Shinkokin Wakashu
尋ね来て花に暮らせる木の間より待つとしもなき 山の端の月
藤原雅経 新古今和歌集